Women's Master 1 Brown / Black 23-24 AJP Tour 2023-2024
2400 points
- Ranked #36
- Ranked #4 IN North America
- Ranked #3 IN United States
Women's Master 1 Brown / Black Belt Lightweight (under 62kg) 24-25 Abu Dhabi Grand Slam 2024-2025
2400 points
- Ranked #3
- 1 By Points
Women's GI / Brown / Black / Master 1 / Lightweight (Under 62KG)
- WINNina KimWon by Points 0–3
- LOSSLina GrossetLost by Submission
Won Silver
- Earned 2400 pts to ranking Women's Master 1 Brown / Black 23-24 – Abu Dhabi Grand Slam 2023-2024, AJP Tour 2023-2024, Abu Dhabi Grand Slam 2024-2025
- Earned 2400 pts to ranking Women's Master 1 Brown / Black Belt Lightweight (under 62kg) 24-25 – Abu Dhabi Grand Slam 2024-2025