02 Feb - 15 May 03:44
15 May - 17 May 03:44
Event dates 01 Jun - 13 Jun


Dear Athletes, Officials and Fans

I come to you during this unprecedented global crisis to offer words of hope and optimism. We all know how hard our community has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

In order to preserve the well being and health of all the people involved in our events, the UAEJJF together with AJP made the most challenging decision of postponing the 2020 Abu Dhabi World Professional Jiu-Jitsu Championship.

In more than 12 years, this is the first time we had to postpone the most important event of the season and we didn't take that decision easily.

We have been working continuously to come up with solutions for our community during such difficult times.

Today, I come to you to share developments made by the AJP to be able to give our community peace of mind and a timeline for the return of our activities.

We are pleased to announce that our team is already working with a new timeline for the 2020 ADWPJJC and other events.

The month of November 2020 is the most tentative target for having the Jiu-Jitsu community once again gathered at the Jiu-Jitsu Arena, in Abu Dhabi.

Prior to November, the AJP will work with local authorities to make it possible to schedule local, regional, national and international events. Our main goal is to bring Jiu-Jitsu back to our athletes and fans as safely as possible.

Despite all the uncertainty caused by the current situation, the AJP is committed to keep the community informed on the steps that are being taken on a daily basis.

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to wish our athletes, officials and fans all the best. I hope this message finds you all safe and in good health.


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